5 Advanced Git Commands

While basic Git commands like commit, push, and pull are essential for everyday version control tasks, Git offers a bunch of advanced commands that can take your workflow to the next level. In this short blog, we will discuss 5 of those commands, exploring their functionalities and how they can benefit your development process. These commands will help you to become a Git master.

git rebase:

  1. git rebase allows you to reapply commits from one branch onto another, effectively rewriting commit history.

  2. It's commonly used to maintain a clean and linear history by incorporating changes from one branch into another without creating merge commits.

  3. Use git rebase -i for interactive rebasing, which enables you to squash, reorder, or edit commits during the process.

git cherry-pick:

  1. git cherry-pick enables you to pick specific commits from one branch and apply them to another branch.

  2. It's useful for selectively applying changes or fixes from one branch to another without merging the entire branch.

git reflog:

  1. git reflog provides a log of all reference updates in your repository, including commits, checkouts, resets, and merges.

  2. It's invaluable for recovering lost commits, branches, or changes, especially in situations where you've accidentally reset or deleted them.

git reset:

  1. Reset allows you to move the HEAD pointer to a specified commit, resetting the current branch to that commit while preserving the changes in your working directory.

  2. Use git reset --soft <commit> to move the HEAD pointer to a specific commit without modifying the working directory or the index.

  3. Use git reset --hard <commit> to move the HEAD pointer and reset the working directory and index to match the specified commit, discarding any changes.

git stash:

  1. git stash allows you to temporarily stash changes in your working directory, enabling you to switch branches or perform other tasks without committing them.

  2. It's useful for saving work in progress or experimental changes that you're not ready to commit yet.

These advanced Git commands offer powerful capabilities for managing your version control workflow with finesse and precision. Whether you're streamlining your commit history with rebase or selectively applying changes with cherry-pick, mastering these commands will elevate your Git proficiency and help you to tackle complex version control tasks with confidence. Experiment with these commands in your projects and discover how they can enhance your development process. Happy coding!