What is DevOps?
Before I bore you with complicated terms, let me give you something you understand-
Let's say you (D) are paired up with a classmate (O) for a project. Consider a scenario where you have all the theoretical knowledge required for the project whereas your classmate has the skills to use your knowledge and assemble the project. To deliver a good presentable project, you must communicate well and use your respective skills in the best way possible.
This is exactly what the essence of DevOps is. (D) here stands for Development (Dev) and (O) stands for Operations (Ops). Collaboration of these two skillsets to deliver quality software is what we call DevOps.
Steps -
Continuing our previous example, what is the first thing you do for your project..........Correct, plan it!
Then you gather the equipments and develop your project.
After you finish developing it, you test whether it resembles what you had imagined and expected.
Once it meets your expectations, you show it to your teacher/supervisor. This resembles deployment.
You get feedback on your project.
Based on the feedback, you make changes to your project and improve it.
Why is DevOps important? What does it solve?
-> Software delivery time is reduced - since 2 separate teams are now working together
-> Better communication between team members - as people are working together and sharing knowledge
-> Quality of Software is enhanced - DevOps practice of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) automates a lot of processes which reduces chances of error and also speeds up the process.
-> Optimum use of resources - Practice of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) involves automatic provisioning and management of resources which reduces manual effort and chances of error.
-> Continuous improvement -> DevOps promotes continuous learning through monitoring and feedback which improves user experience and performance of the software being delivered.
This is a simple explanation of the complicated world of DevOps! We will learn more about it, one topic at a time.